Dragon Eggs

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The incendiary devices, called Dragon Eggs, are 1” diameter polystyrene hollow spheres with 3 grams of Potassium Permanganate sealed inside. They are used with SEI Industries’ Red Dragon and Green Dragon, and also with all PyroShot launchers. For pricing on Dragon Eggs click HERE!

Ethylene Glycol: You will have to supply ethylene glycol locally. Automotive antifreeze works just fine, as long as it is the standard old-fashioned kind (ethylene-glycol-based non-diluted).

Sphere Handling for Helicopter Applications



Safety Lanyard keeps the Bag in the Aircraft
1000 to 4000 Ball Versions
Gross Weight Printed on Bag
Positive Locking Zipper
Reinforced Handles
Designed for Use with Flight Gloves
Closure Lock Prevents Spills
Shell From FAA Compliant Material
Locking Zipper Sets Opening Size

Sphere Handling for Ground Applications

Shoulder bags that hold 500 Dragon Eggs make hiking through the brush with your PyroShot a snap. No need to worry about stuffing your spare ammo into your pockets. One shoulder bag is included with each new PyroShot purchased.

MSDS Potassium Permanganate MSDS Ethylene Glycol Dragon Eggs SEI Brochure